The RCC has a large selection of software available on DaLI, but if you need software not currently available in the module system, send a detailed request to

Using Software Modules

The RCC uses Environment Modules for managing software. The modules system permits us to set up the shell environment to make running and compiling software easier. It also allows us to make available many software packages and libraries that would otherwise conflict with one another.

When you first log into DaLI, you will be entered into a very barebones user environment with minimal software available. The module system is a script based system used to manage the user environment and to “activate” software packages. In order to access software that is installed on DaLI, you must first load the corresponding software module.

Basic module commands:

Command Description
module avail lists all available software modules
module avail [name] lists modules matching [name]
module load [name] loads the named module
module unload [name] unloads the named module
module list lists the modules currently loaded for the user

For more information on how to use software modules on DaLI, consult The RCC’s Using software modules on Midway page which is the same as how to use software on DaLI.


Full Software Module List

The best way to view the most current software offerings on DaLI is to check the list of available software modules with the moduleavail command on DaLI. The software on DaLI is the same as the software available on the RCC’s Midway2. You can view the complete Software Module List on the RCC’s Midway Website.